30 Day JOURNAL Challenge

Like anything in our lives, the more we practice it, the the more confident we will become doing it. The same is true of Journaling.

Journaling is a habit that many of us may think about doing….and we read about the benefits…. but typically it is one of those things that we will do ‘when we get to it’ or ‘when we have time’.

I for one am in love with the IDEA of journaling and I have a collection of pretty spiral notebooks and even professional Journals with built in motivational prompts…. They are so pristine I don’t want to ‘mess them up’ ….lol.

Like many healthy habits we tend to put off…. we really need to JUST DO IT.

  • There is no right or wrong way to journal… and each day may look different than the one before. When I have managed to maintain a journal, some of the days are all about to-do lists, meal planning, goal setting, and on another day the page might be covered with doodles. Early on in 2020, I actually did begin a journal and looking back at it…. I wrote mostly devotions and prayers. Some of the days I would copy a bible verse from a daily calendar and write thoughts about that. I have also written about weird (or lovely) dreams I have had.

  • Take the pressure off yourself to get everything perfect. Don’t worry about grammar or spelling, or think that you need to have the skills of a novelist.

  • You can use a plan spiral notebook, loose-leaf paper, a sketchbook, and if you prefer…use your keyboard and computer! Personally I feel there is something about putting pen or pencil to paper…but journaling in a word document is just as beneficial.

  • There is no specific time of day to journal. Choosing a set time for anything will help you to build the habit easier…but it can be anytime within your day. Like James Clear suggests in his book Atomic Habits… Build new habits by taking advantage of old habits with habit stacking. Identify a current habit you already do each day and then stack your new behavior on top. This is called habit stacking. Put your journal next to your nightstand so you see it when you go to bed…or near your coffee pot so you see it in the morning….or maybe keep it in your purse or visible on your desk.

  • Journaling can help you achieve your goals, build confidence, relieve anxiety, stress, and help us to shift a negative mindset to a positive one.

Our JULY Challenge is to Journal every day for the month. JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP - Healthy Challenges to Healthy Changes

I have also created a free month of journal prompts to get your started. Just use it as a guide if you need it!

30 Day STEP & Movement Challenge

Introducing the 30 day Step & Movement Challenge

When it comes to counting our steps, you most likely know about the 10,000 steps a day goal.

If you are like me, some days I can reach 10,000 or more, but some days are just too busy, and it becomes a frustrating goal.  I did some research to try to find out why 10,000 steps are the ‘gold’ standard.

The fact is, that studies have shown that the 10,000-step target improves heart health, mental health, and even lowers diabetes risk.

10,000 steps per day adds up to about five miles for most people and contributes towards the CDC’s recommended 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week.

It is important though to understand what is best for YOU.  10,000 steps may seem like too much or it may not be enough.

Tips from FitBit, Mayo Clinic, and the Harvard School of Public Health

·       New to Exercise or Recovering from injury? Start slowly. Determine how many steps you take on an average day…this is your baseline. Start by adding 1,000 steps each week.  This could be as simple as parking further away or taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

·       Is your goal Weight Loss? For lasting results, usually ½ pound to 1 pound per week is recommended. Completing an extra 10,000 steps each day will typically burn about 2000 to 3500 extra calories per week. One pound of body fat equals 3500 calories.  Depending upon your weight and workout intensity, you could lose about a pound per week by completing an extra 10,000 steps per day.

·       Is your goal to maintain your health and fitness?  If so, the 10,000-step goal could be exactly right for you. A 30-minute daily walk can slow mental decline, lower blood pressure, improve sleep, build immunities, and even relieve depression as well as countless more benefits.

Many people enjoy using fitness trackers to monitor their steps…. And there are SO MANY available options on the market, including pedometers and apps on your smart phone.  If you do not have any of those devices though you can still participate using the following guide based on an average speed and stride.  Keep in mind though, that a fitness tracker will pick up EVERY step you make throughout your day including those you may not consider tracking.  Remember EVERY.STEP.COUNTS.

·       5 minutes – 500 steps / .25 mile

·       10 minutes – 1,000 steps / .5 mile

·       30 minutes – 3,000 steps / 1.5 miles

·       60 minutes- 6,000 steps / 3 miles

Download and TRACK your steps with this chart

Click here to Personalize with your height and weight with this great online calculator


40 Day Stretch Challenge

Introducing a 40 day Gentle Stretch Challenge!

Why stretching?
There are SO MANY benefits to stretching....and it is my hope that if we can challenge ourselves to stretch every day, it will become a healthy habit!
Not only can stretching help increase your flexibility, but it can also improve your posture, reduce stress and body aches, and more.
Gentle stretching can be done every day and can improve your posture, increase your circulation, and decrease stress.
Why 40 days?
I did begin this challenge for the season of Lent, but whenever you decide to begin, 40 is a perfect number to help you begin to build a habit...regardless of when you decide to begin!
40 is also a significant number in the Bible where at the end of this time period great things are to come! Click on all of the hyperlinks below to find resources for your Stretch and Flexibility Challenge.

Download and Use this chart -pictured below, to cross off the days or simply use your own calendar.

You can also use your own favorite stretches or use my YouTube Stretch Challenge Playlist

Also join our private Healthy Challenges to Healthy Changes Facebook group where I post daily reminders and tips!

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Can a Health Coach help you?

Health Coaching is an effective way to help you help yourself. How often have you told yourself, “I know what I SHOULD be doing…why can’t I follow through?” A Health Coach can help you figure out why and empower you to change.


What can a Health Coach do for you?
Health Coaches work to empower people to live their most fit lives.
A Health Coach is a health promoter and educator and an active partner in helping clients make healthy lifestyle choices.
A Health Coach will :
✔Hold the bigger picture for you and helps you discover the larger reason for change.
✔Always be in your corner with nonjudgmental support and encouragement.
✔Promote self-efficacy and help you experiment and discover insight into your journey to greater health.
✔Help you design customized action steps for optimal success. From developing a fitness program to eating a balanced diet, or gaining confidence, a Health Coach will help you clarify your intentions and strategies.
✔Be a powerful accountability partner to support your desired outcomes.
✔A Health Coach has a broad range of knowledge to help you sort through nutritional and physiological sciences as well as self-care and will direct you to professionals outside of their scope of practice when needed.

Contact me today to set up a call for a free session! I would love to work with you! Focusing on making changes for a positive future is powerful!

Eating Mindfully

Mindful eating is about awareness. It is about slowing down and paying attention to every bite.

Have you ever been snacking while working, driving, watching television…etc.…and you reach for another bite and it is gone! Or perhaps you look for an item in your fridge and you realize it is gone but you don’t even recall eating it?

So many of us eat mindlessly and if we can make the shift to mindful eating and savoring every bite it can be a game changer!

The Mindful Eating Cycle is a decision-making model developed by Michelle May, M.D. that integrates mindfulness with the non-diet, weight-neutral approach. This model provides a practical but powerful structure that helps individuals identify and resolve the underlying drivers of problematic eating and sedentary lifestyles, regardless of size or health status. There are six decisions points in the Mindful Eating Cycle.

1. Why do I eat? Am I aware of the situations and/or emotions that trigger me to eat? Do I find myself eating even though I said I wouldn’t? Why? Have I tried lots of diets? What happened? How long did they work? Why?

2. When do I eat? How often do I feel like eating? How do I know if I am hungry? Can I tell the difference between physical hunger and head hunger? Can I direct my attention away from food until I am hungry? How can I cope with emotional triggers that make me think I am hungry?

3. What do I eat? What do I eat in a typical day? Would a journal help me see patterns? What types of foods are emotional foods for me? Do I feel guilty when I eat? Do I restrict myself from eating certain foods? Am I afraid of losing control when I eat certain foods? What could I eat that would help me feel better and become healthier? What changes can I make now? Is it possible to eat anything but not everything?

4. How do I eat? Do I eat when I am distracted? Do I truly pay attention to my food? Do I eat fast, barely tasting my food? Do I eat differently in private than public? Could I write a magazine article for a gourmet magazine about the last meal I ate?

5. How much do I eat? How do I feel when I am done eating? Do I like the way I feel? Do I feel compelled to clean my plate? If I am not hungry when I start eating, how do I know when to stop? What situations cause me to overeat? What do I do after the times I eat too much?

6. Where to invest the energy I consume? Am I physically active? Do I spend too much time on the computer or watching TV? Do I exercise? How do I feel about exercise? Do I use exercise as punishment? What are my goals for myself? Does my life reflect wellness and wholeness in mind, body, heart and spirit?

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Choose to love yourself 💗

Many sources report we make as many as 35,000 decisions PER DAY!

Life is about making choices and nothing is more important than making the right choices. Decisions and choices concerning our work and business often take priority and our personal care is often not given the attention we deserve.

Lifestyle choices can be difficult and overwhelming and cause us to be attracted to slick marketing campaigns and gimmicks for weight loss which may initially work but most often leave us disappointed..

When it comes to starting a fitness routine we might be attracted to a workout that is touted by a celebrity or regardless of our age, engage in peer pressure and push ourselves harder than we should, either causing injury or creating stress hormones that ultimately harm our health. 🤦‍♀️

Stop telling yourself you need to lose weight, earn more money, get a degree...etc etc... fill in the blank, to be worthy.

You are enough as you are RIGHT NOW. Loving yourself does not mean you cannot improve your current situation. You can still become healthier and create a better living situation…. but after you reach your goals… you will still be YOU.

It is no mistake that you are who you are, right now, in this place, at this time.

Regardless of our age, our profession, or the size of our bank account, we have all looked with longing at someone or something and thought “What if?” or “I wish that I…”

  • Choose to take care of your health with exercise and healthy eating.

  • Choose to take the time for self care.

  • Choose to love yourself.

Loving yourself is not

  • I like who I am.

  • I am worthy.

  • I am enough.

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Treat yourself to a Happy Halloween

Since this is a Health Coaching Page, I would be remiss to not address that Halloween is the beginning of a TRIFECTA of holidays that are centered around indulging. 🍬🍰🍗🥠🍭🥂 Before I launch into my other thoughts about Halloween specifically….

Following are a few tips on how to approach any and every holiday or celebration without worrying about ruining your progress.

  1. Always plan ahead and know what to expect before any celebration. If you are attending a gathering, you can bring your own delicious, and satisfyingly treats to share. This of course does not mean you cannot indulge in the other offerings. It is very important to allow yourself a chance to celebrate and enjoy occasionally. Life is too short to not eat cake!🍰

  2. Do not deny yourself anything… just make sure you A) enjoy and savor every bite B) if you don’t like it, don’t eat it. It isn’t worth the calories. C) Be aware and don’t munch mindlessly.

  3. Drink up your WATER before your dinner or event as well as during. 💦💧🥤 It is so easy to over indulge on alcoholic or sweet drinks…or alcoholic sweet drinks! Making sure to drink water between adult drinks will be something your body will thank you for the next day!

  4. Halloween Candy…. there are lots of ‘tricks’ out there when it come to Halloween candy…but I personally prefer to give out FULL SIZE candy bars! Yep, that’s right. The kids absolutely love it and is is actually easier for me to manage than the bite size treats because I can’t give out just one of those and I never know how much to buy. I also find that I can resist the large servings more than the bite size. After Halloween though…if there are any left… I have to hide them out of sight or better yet get them out of the house.

  5. Make any celebration about MORE than the food and drink and treats… focus instead on being with and spending time with family and friends. Even if you are the one cooking….try to either get help with the dishes or plan ahead so you have time to relax too.

Now here are a few of my other thoughts on October and Halloween …..

“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers” L.M. Montgomery / Anne of Green Gables

What is the appeal of Halloween and Why is it I love Halloween so much? 🤔

I actually enjoy ANY reason to celebrate…so there’s that….😅🎉

Many people say the appeal of Halloween is the fear and risk of danger but knowing you will be okay. That our brains crave the rush of being scared…… I could not disagree more, and it saddens me to see the commercial, evil, demonic side of Halloween.

Halloween does NOT need to be a holiday focused on the devil or demons… In fact its Christian origins honor our dead. 👻

  • Oct 31 (Halloween) is All Hallow’s Eve

  • Nov 1 we honor our Saints in Heaven All Saint’s Day

  • Nov 2 we honor all who have died on All Soul’s Day.

🎃Here are five reasons I love Halloween….

  1. First, I love the change of seasons and the Fall weather. 🍁🍂I love the decorations of pumpkins and ghosts and even witches and skeletons….IF they are not terrifying…. I am NOT a fan of being scared…. I just do not see the point.

  2. I enjoy the excitement of trick or treating. 🍭🍫🍬 I did as a kid and I still do as an adult.

  3. Costumes are FUN! Halloween costumes allow you to be whoever you want to be!🧛‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧟‍♂️🧙‍♂️👨‍🚒👩‍🚀👨‍🔬

  4. Halloween brings an excuse for treats and parties! (not that we need one) 🎉🎈🎊🥳

  5. Halloween MUSIC! 🎵🎶I am a fan of all kinds of music…but face it…the holidays bring us opportunities to play special music that just would not sound right if we played them any other month of the year.

  6. If this post causes anyone to do a bit of research on All Hallows Eve, All Saints Day or All Souls Day that would make my day!🙏

I know that 2020 has brought us all a real challenge when It comes to celebrating just about everything…. but it is possible to be safe and still have fun! Things will be different…and celebrations may even be remote… but you can still decorate and listen to holiday music and create your own party! I hope you can join us in Zoom classes for some fun holiday workouts!

#Halloween #Halloweenfun #Halloweenfitness #halloweeniscoming #monstermash #witchdoctor #allhallowseve #allsaintsday #allsoulsday #besafe


Life is like Learning to Riding a Bicycle 🚴‍♂️ Just Keep Moving Forward

Do you remember learning to ride a bike? 🚲
You might have fallen often, but you got back up and did it again... and again...because you were determined to learn. And once you found your balance there was no stopping you! 😃
We can apply this determination to
so many skills or habits we are trying to develop.
✨It’s okay to fall, just get back up and keep trying✨

Realize that life WILL give you obstacles. 

It's important to plan ahead for every possible scenario and when things do not go as we hoped...it's okay

Following are TEN ways that you can stay positive and MOVE forward from a fearful stuck mindset to an active and productive mindset!

  1. Forgive yourself for making mistakes. Recognize your errors and move on.

  2. Stop focusing on the past and do not worry about the future. TODAY is all you need to worry about.

  3. Take it one day at a time. Realize that reaching your goals is a process and takes time. True change will not happen overnight.  Good habits are built by small perhaps even tiny daily changes.

  4. Change your perspective. Treat yourself to good nutrition and exercise. Realize that you are worth it, and you deserve it.  Recognize that there will be people in your life who do not have your back and will undermine your efforts. Do not let them.  Surround yourself with positive people.

  5. Do not give up. Do not quit. Everything you have been waiting for might be just around the corner, but you will never know If you do not persevere and keep trying.

  6. Try to learn at least one new thing every single day.  Do some research on topics that interest you.

  7. Have a plan, have goals.  We would not go on a trip without a road map… know what you want and go after it.  Remember it is not a race. True progress and success is a journey.

  8. Start a journal. Write down your thoughts and your dreams.  

  9. Recognize that whatever you are going through right now is not permanent. After every storm there is a rainbow and a new day.  Stay positive.

  10. Never be afraid to ask for help.

Realize that all your experiences have brought you to where you are today and you are ready to make changes that will impact your tomorrow! 

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Something worth having never comes easily.

Often life gets in the way of our progress, our hopes and our dreams. 2020 has done that in a BIG way and has made so many of us restructure our lives.  We have postponed weddings, graduations, vacations and for many of us our fitness and nutrition habits have also been put on the back burner.

Personally, I spent the first several days of the 2020 ‘shelter at home’ in a bit of a daze and was compelled to bury myself under the covers and indulge in comfort foods…and like many of you…as time went on…and on….I realized that this behavior really wasn’t helping me much and that I needed to move forward.

Moving forward for me meant literally moving…getting back to working out, connecting with, and helping others do the same has become more important to me than ever! 

I also want everyone to know that you are not alone!

Besides possible feelings of regret about taking time to wallow in despair…the comparison game for many of us has been bigger than ever!  Do you know anyone who has managed to lose weight and get in the best shape ever because of all the ‘extra time on their hands?’  Or maybe someone who has cleaned every closet and built an addition on their house?  Maybe that last one is a bit extreme…but I DO know people who say they have accomplished a lot….and whether it is true or not does not matter… they are not you.

We are all on our own journey.

Following are TEN ways that you can stay positive and MOVE forward from a fearful stuck mindset to an active and productive mindset!

  1. Forgive yourself for making mistakes. Recognize your errors and move on.

  2. Stop focusing on the past and do not worry about the future. TODAY is all you need to worry about.

  3. Take it one day at a time. Realize that reaching your goals is a process and takes time. True change will not happen overnight.  Good habits are built by small perhaps even tiny daily changes.

  4. Change your perspective. Treat yourself to good nutrition and exercise. Realize that you are worth it, and you deserve it.  Recognize that there will be people in your life who do not have your back and will undermine your efforts. Do not let them.  Surround yourself with positive people.

  5. Do not give up. Do not quit. Everything you have been waiting for might be just around the corner, but you will never know If you do not persevere and keep trying.

  6. Try to learn at least one new thing every single day.  Do some research on topics that interest you.

  7. Have a plan, have goals.  We would not go on a trip without a road map… know what you want and go after it.  Remember it is not a race. True progress and success is a journey.

  8. Start a journal. Write down your thoughts and your dreams. 

  9. Recognize that whatever you are going through right now is not permanent. After every storm there is a rainbow and a new day.  Stay positive.

  10. Never be afraid to ask for help.

    Realize that all your experiences have brought you to where you are today and you are ready to make changes that will impact all of your tomorrows! 


The Power of Kindness

This year has undoubtedly caused many of us to re-evaluate our routines and schedules and has placed an entire new emphasis on our health.  Among the advice we are hearing on how to cope, self-care and taking care of ourselves seems to top the list. 

One of the easiest things we can practice that will affect our health is extending kindness to others AND to ourselves.  In a world where it is sometimes hard to understand the actions of others, we need to remember that we do have control over our own actions.

Simple acts of Kindness have the power to change the lives of others as well as your own.  Our bodies and minds reward us when we go out of the way for other people, and the more we do it…the easier it becomes to not only help others, but to recognize our own value and worth.

Here are just a few of the benefits of practicing kindness:

  • Kindness produces oxytocin which aids in lowering blood pressure, improves our heart health, increases self esteem and optimism.

  • Kindness, stimulates serotonin, a feel good chemical that heals your wounds, calms you and makes you happy!

  • Kindness decreases cortisol (the stress hormone) and increases endorphins, (the brain’s natural painkiller).

Now stop and think for a minute about the people you love in your life and the people you are kind to.

Hopefully you would never catch yourself telling someone you care about that they are not important enough to cook a healthy meal for. Or that they have too much work to do and there is no way they can relax for 30 minutes an evening with a walk or to workout. Would you tell your loved one that they are fat, ugly, etc…. Of course you wouldn’t. 

  • Only talk to yourself the way you would talk to your friends and loved ones.

  • Be mindful about negative self-talk and do not compare yourself to others.

  • Forgive yourself for things for any regrets that you have and move forward.

Behavior, mindset coaching, and confidence is a big piece of the puzzle when it come to Healthy habits. As a Health Coach, together I work with clients build confidence and discover what is holding them back from reaching their goals. Contact me for one on one coaching.

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