40 Day Stretch Challenge

Introducing a 40 day Gentle Stretch Challenge!

Why stretching?
There are SO MANY benefits to stretching....and it is my hope that if we can challenge ourselves to stretch every day, it will become a healthy habit!
Not only can stretching help increase your flexibility, but it can also improve your posture, reduce stress and body aches, and more.
Gentle stretching can be done every day and can improve your posture, increase your circulation, and decrease stress.
Why 40 days?
I did begin this challenge for the season of Lent, but whenever you decide to begin, 40 is a perfect number to help you begin to build a habit...regardless of when you decide to begin!
40 is also a significant number in the Bible where at the end of this time period great things are to come! Click on all of the hyperlinks below to find resources for your Stretch and Flexibility Challenge.

Download and Use this chart -pictured below, to cross off the days or simply use your own calendar.

You can also use your own favorite stretches or use my YouTube Stretch Challenge Playlist

Also join our private Healthy Challenges to Healthy Changes Facebook group where I post daily reminders and tips!

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