What to expect from our coaching sessions

You can expect a personalized one on one program with me. We will talk often and get to know one another. I will go above and beyond to help you find your way and understand WHY weight loss has been a struggle for you. Through mindset and behavior change discussions, and becoming aware of why we make the decisions we do, you will learn to ENJOY your meals and eat for pleasure instead of worrying about counting calories or missing out on special occasions due to an extreme diet.

You can expect me to be your accountability partner and cheerleader. We can choose one topic to work on, such as the importance of goal setting, learning about the pros and cons of all the ‘diet plans’ out there, kicking your sugar habit, preventing diabetes, meal planning, etc., etc., OR, you can lead the way and ask for topics to discuss. Anything related to your health and happiness can be discussed!

Please note: I am not a therapist, doctor, or dietician, but I am a NCCA qualified Health Coach and Specialist as well as Group Lifestyle Balance Coach. I will help you learn practical and effective strategies that can be implemented to facilitate lifestyle change and positively impact health and well-being.

In each 30 minute session we do a check in to see how your week, or month has been going. We take a few minutes to share what is new. We will then talk about progress and decide if we need to make adjustments and create a plan. You know you better than anyone. As your health coach, I am here to help you discover that you actually DO have the knowledge and power to make your dreams come true!

My goal is to help you experience SUCCESS!

What NOT to expect

  • There will NOT be additional products or supplements offered.

  • There will NOT be an app that you download and then are required to do on your own.

  • There will NOT be strict meal plans and diets.

Here are just a few of the topics available to explore.

This list is flexible and constantly changing…always tailored to YOUR interests and needs.

Confidence Coaching

Confidence is feeling comfortable with who you are, believing in yourself and knowing your worth.  The more confident you become, the more you will be able to calm the voice inside you that says, “I can’t do it.”  Through this 6 week weekly course, we will dig into unlocking you from the thoughts that are holding you back.

·         Learn how to handle the fear of rejection

·         Why is body language important?

·         Destroy self-doubt and negative self-talk

·         Learn tips to build self esteem

Mindset Coaching

Your mindset is your mental attitude that determines how you interpret situations and affects how we feel, what we do, who we become and what we achieve.  Through this 6 week course, we will explore ideas to help you overcome the obstacles that may be holding you back from your true potential.

·         What would you attempt if anything was possible?

·         What would you attempt it you knew you could succeed?

·         Are you waiting the day you are, skinnier, smaller, healthier ….fill in the blank….to do the things you have dreamed of?

Healthy Habits Coaching

 Do you ever wonder why you crave sugar even when you are not hungry? Sugar addiction is one of the most common types of food addictions.  Eating sugar is reinforcing…the more you do it... the more you want to do it.

In this 4 week course we will

·         Learn about hidden sugars and how to spot them

·         Is sugar addiction real and the effects of it on our body

·         Discover a blood/sugar balancing plan

·         Why sugar free is not the answer

·         Plus lots of great recipes!

Fitness Coaching

Does the thought of exercise just make you cringe? Are you someone who has never been active and do not know where to begin? Or maybe you are someone who has always forced yourself to exercise because you know you have to.  Did you know that building lean muscle revs up your metabolism and helps you burn calories??? Did you know that you do not have to be a body builder to can strength train? Did you know that strength training may be just what you need to bust you out of a plateau and FINALLY get the scale to budge? Together we will:

·         Find activities that you enjoy and actually look forward to.

·         Discover that movement can be fun regardless of your fitness level or abilities.

·         Learn to build habits and be patient with results.