As a Health Coach I will work with you to achieve your health and lifestyle goals. We will start off with determining the best goals for you and formulate a personalized action plan. I will provide accountability on your progress, supporting you when you lapse and cheering you when you succeed. 

Knowledge is the key to success and I will help you understand many topics including, but not limited to:

  •  Building a Mindset for Success

  • How to discover a fitness routine that you LOVE and look forward to

  • Kick cravings and the Sugar habit for good

  • Confidence Coaching

  • Fitness Coaching

  • Type 2 Diabetes Prevention (accredited 22 session / 12 month program available for individuals or groups)

  • Stability and Fall prevention ( accredited 12 week program available for individuals or groups)

Together we will connect who you are and who you want to be. We can set personal goals and help you work towards permanent change.  We can bridge the gap between who you want to be and what you actually do in your daily life that is holding you back.  We can communicate based on your preference – telephone / email / instant message / facetime or ZOOM

My services are available to you regardless of your location. If you are not local, I can still help you navigate your way to a healthy lifestyle!



What to Expect…

Every program begins with an introductory session. In our first meeting, I will start by asking you more about your goals for starting the program and your history with health and fitness. We will discuss what you might have already tried, and why that did or didn’t work in the past. I will ask you questions about your diet, learning more about both the healthy and unhealthy foods that are staples in your life. We will discuss a typical weekday and weekend, walking through your day to day habits and duties, including how much time you have to spend at work, and how much time you have to exercise and cook. I also want to learn about any major sources of stress or anxiety in your life. While most people who take my program have goals to transform their physical health, maintaining strong mental health is equally important. My health coach sessions will help you manage any stress or anxiety that may be preventing you from success. Ultimately, the more I learn about your current lifestyle, the better I can help you live healthy.


Starting with the first meeting, and continuing each health coach session, (if you’d like), we can take a picture, get your weight, and take measurements. We will also discuss your exercise and eating habits since we last met, and plan out upcoming weeks. Based on your progress, I will teach you new exercises to include into your future workouts. I can teach exercises that can be used without a gym, and or in conjunction with a gym, depending on your preferences. I will also introduce you to new recipes, depending on your dietary progress. Following we will talk about any changes that might have happened in your life since the last meeting, and how these changes may or may not impact your goals to achieve a healthy lifestyle.


My health fitness and life coach program is focused on helping you transform your habits into a healthy lifestyle.  There is no cookie cutter solution to getting in shape and every person has their own guilty pleasures, anxieties, and limitations. That is why my approach is heavily personalized to your individual needs. As a fitness director and manager at a health club for over 25 years, I have experience helping people of all sizes, ages, and conditions. I am confident that whatever your fitness goals are I can help you on your road to achieving them.

Also be sure to check out What to expect from a Coaching Session.

Kids Zumba exercise class

Kids Zumba exercise class

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TRX Band setup at a home gym

TRX Band setup at a home gym