Create healthy habits, not restrictions.

Welcome! I have been in the health and wellness industry for 30 years and would love to help you build healthy habits and reach your goals. nc Together we can discover a long term solution to living a happy and healthy life.   I have seen diet and fitness trends come and go and I have found the biggest secret to success is simply realizing there is no cookie cutter answer. We are all different and we absolutely cannot compare ourselves to others. Something that works great for your friend may not work for you. Let me help you figure out what YOUR solution is.  I will be here for you. 

  • Certified Health & Wellness Coach (ACE) specializing in weight loss and helping those who need a starting point to their health and fitness journey and Senior fitness

  • ACE Behavior Change and Weight Management Specialist

  • SPARKPRO DPP Diabetes Prevention Program® Lifestyle Coach

  • Certified Group Fitness Instructor (AFAA)

  • Professional with 25 plus years of experience

Kristi with her husband, Tom.

Kristi with her husband, Tom.

My journey with fitness began in the boom of the 80’s as an 18 year old looking for a gym membership.  I was never an athlete, but loved group fitness because it was something that absolutely everyone could enjoy!  I became a certified instructor at the age of 20 and today in my late 50’s I am still teaching classes and working one on one with people, helping them to reach their goals and most importantly, to discover a happy, healthy lifestyle.  I love nothing more than when someone finally figures out that the key to success is to STOP dieting and doing exercises that they dread.

What exactly does achieving a healthy lifestyle mean? It means to make healthy choices most of the time on a daily basis, and when you want to treat yourself or relax, you can do so without feeling guilty.

You need to believe that you do deserve to healthy and happy and I want to help you build your confidence and find your strengths while challenging you to make changes and create a lifestyle that makes you happier than you ever thought you could be.  And what is so amazing is that the changes you make for YOU will ultimately be a catalyst of change for your loved ones too.  YOU can be the good example for your kids, your spouse, your family and friends. 

Get out of the yo-yo diet cycle and get healthy for good.

Feel confident in your body and great in your clothes.

I can listen to your concerns and navigate the world of contraindicating nutrition and explore what works best for you.

So many times people tell me they know what they SHOULD do…they just do not know HOW to make it happen.  So much of the reasons we start and fail have to do with behavior management and modification.  Let me help you understand WHY the methods that society tell us to use actually set us up for failure.

Goats and Yoga with friends

Goats and Yoga with friends

Even though I have always been in the fitness industry does NOT mean I have always been fit.  I spent a large part of my 20’s and 30’s with what I know now was eating disorders.  Throughout pregnancies and raising three boys, I have tried almost every product, program and diet on the market.

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Maybe you have been there too? Are you still trying to find what works? Let me help you.  Let me save you the time and money AND save you from damaging your metabolism!

 After earning my Personal training certification, and then my Health Coach and Weight Management certifications and working with so many people who have struggled with their weight….it all finally clicked and I want nothing more than to help others avoid spending their time and money on things that are not healthy and can actually make your journey much longer than necessary.  Never give up and think that you cannot be the person you dream of. That is just not true.  You just need some direction.