My insurance company already offers their own health coach service, is this the same thing?

No. Our service is a complete personalized 1 on 1 regiment. Think of it like the trainers on biggest loser. Along with exercise and personal training, Kristi helps you manage all aspects of your life, including diet, stress, and other roadblocks to healthy living. We follow your progress on your journey to healthy living.

On the other hand, the health coach service that many insurance companies offer today is a telecom service. Typically it consists of a phone number which the individual can call for one-time advice.

Is this covered by insurance?

ACE certified health and life coaches are not always covered by insurance. To know for sure we encourage you to reach out to us. We can contact your health care provider for definitive insurance coverage information.

What is a health coach?

Check out our link for an in depth description of a health coach!

Can I do this with a friend?

Yes! If you want to do it with a friend or family member I can work with two people simultaneously. The sessions are still an hour long and there is an additional fee of $20/month.

Can I change the program I signed up for?

Yes you can change your program options each month

Can your work with my child or elderly parents?

Yes absolutely! I have worked with people of all ages from young kids to the elderly. There is no wrong age to start living healthy.

I am going to miss a session, can I get a refund or reschedule?

You can reschedule free of charge if you notify me within 24 hours of the appointment. If under 24 hours there may be a $20 rescheduling fee. There are no refunds

I am running late, what should I do?

Please reach out to my on my cell phone 309 256 0608 . We can reschedule if needed!
