Something worth having never comes easily.

Often life gets in the way of our progress, our hopes and our dreams. 2020 has done that in a BIG way and has made so many of us restructure our lives.  We have postponed weddings, graduations, vacations and for many of us our fitness and nutrition habits have also been put on the back burner.

Personally, I spent the first several days of the 2020 ‘shelter at home’ in a bit of a daze and was compelled to bury myself under the covers and indulge in comfort foods…and like many of you…as time went on…and on….I realized that this behavior really wasn’t helping me much and that I needed to move forward.

Moving forward for me meant literally moving…getting back to working out, connecting with, and helping others do the same has become more important to me than ever! 

I also want everyone to know that you are not alone!

Besides possible feelings of regret about taking time to wallow in despair…the comparison game for many of us has been bigger than ever!  Do you know anyone who has managed to lose weight and get in the best shape ever because of all the ‘extra time on their hands?’  Or maybe someone who has cleaned every closet and built an addition on their house?  Maybe that last one is a bit extreme…but I DO know people who say they have accomplished a lot….and whether it is true or not does not matter… they are not you.

We are all on our own journey.

Following are TEN ways that you can stay positive and MOVE forward from a fearful stuck mindset to an active and productive mindset!

  1. Forgive yourself for making mistakes. Recognize your errors and move on.

  2. Stop focusing on the past and do not worry about the future. TODAY is all you need to worry about.

  3. Take it one day at a time. Realize that reaching your goals is a process and takes time. True change will not happen overnight.  Good habits are built by small perhaps even tiny daily changes.

  4. Change your perspective. Treat yourself to good nutrition and exercise. Realize that you are worth it, and you deserve it.  Recognize that there will be people in your life who do not have your back and will undermine your efforts. Do not let them.  Surround yourself with positive people.

  5. Do not give up. Do not quit. Everything you have been waiting for might be just around the corner, but you will never know If you do not persevere and keep trying.

  6. Try to learn at least one new thing every single day.  Do some research on topics that interest you.

  7. Have a plan, have goals.  We would not go on a trip without a road map… know what you want and go after it.  Remember it is not a race. True progress and success is a journey.

  8. Start a journal. Write down your thoughts and your dreams. 

  9. Recognize that whatever you are going through right now is not permanent. After every storm there is a rainbow and a new day.  Stay positive.

  10. Never be afraid to ask for help.

    Realize that all your experiences have brought you to where you are today and you are ready to make changes that will impact all of your tomorrows! 
