Choose to love yourself πŸ’—

Many sources report we make as many as 35,000 decisions PER DAY!

Life is about making choices and nothing is more important than making the right choices. Decisions and choices concerning our work and business often take priority and our personal care is often not given the attention we deserve.

Lifestyle choices can be difficult and overwhelming and cause us to be attracted to slick marketing campaigns and gimmicks for weight loss which may initially work but most often leave us disappointed..

When it comes to starting a fitness routine we might be attracted to a workout that is touted by a celebrity or regardless of our age, engage in peer pressure and push ourselves harder than we should, either causing injury or creating stress hormones that ultimately harm our health. πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

Stop telling yourself you need to lose weight, earn more money, get a degree...etc etc... fill in the blank, to be worthy.

You are enough as you are RIGHT NOW. Loving yourself does not mean you cannot improve your current situation. You can still become healthier and create a better living situation…. but after you reach your goals… you will still be YOU.

It is no mistake that you are who you are, right now, in this place, at this time.

Regardless of our age, our profession, or the size of our bank account, we have all looked with longing at someone or something and thought β€œWhat if?” or β€œI wish that I…”

  • Choose to take care of your health with exercise and healthy eating.

  • Choose to take the time for self care.

  • Choose to love yourself.

Loving yourself is not

  • I like who I am.

  • I am worthy.

  • I am enough.

I like who I am.png