30 Day JOURNAL Challenge

Like anything in our lives, the more we practice it, the the more confident we will become doing it. The same is true of Journaling.

Journaling is a habit that many of us may think about doing….and we read about the benefits…. but typically it is one of those things that we will do ‘when we get to it’ or ‘when we have time’.

I for one am in love with the IDEA of journaling and I have a collection of pretty spiral notebooks and even professional Journals with built in motivational prompts…. They are so pristine I don’t want to ‘mess them up’ ….lol.

Like many healthy habits we tend to put off…. we really need to JUST DO IT.

  • There is no right or wrong way to journal… and each day may look different than the one before. When I have managed to maintain a journal, some of the days are all about to-do lists, meal planning, goal setting, and on another day the page might be covered with doodles. Early on in 2020, I actually did begin a journal and looking back at it…. I wrote mostly devotions and prayers. Some of the days I would copy a bible verse from a daily calendar and write thoughts about that. I have also written about weird (or lovely) dreams I have had.

  • Take the pressure off yourself to get everything perfect. Don’t worry about grammar or spelling, or think that you need to have the skills of a novelist.

  • You can use a plan spiral notebook, loose-leaf paper, a sketchbook, and if you prefer…use your keyboard and computer! Personally I feel there is something about putting pen or pencil to paper…but journaling in a word document is just as beneficial.

  • There is no specific time of day to journal. Choosing a set time for anything will help you to build the habit easier…but it can be anytime within your day. Like James Clear suggests in his book Atomic Habits… Build new habits by taking advantage of old habits with habit stacking. Identify a current habit you already do each day and then stack your new behavior on top. This is called habit stacking. Put your journal next to your nightstand so you see it when you go to bed…or near your coffee pot so you see it in the morning….or maybe keep it in your purse or visible on your desk.

  • Journaling can help you achieve your goals, build confidence, relieve anxiety, stress, and help us to shift a negative mindset to a positive one.

Our JULY Challenge is to Journal every day for the month. JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP - Healthy Challenges to Healthy Changes

I have also created a free month of journal prompts to get your started. Just use it as a guide if you need it!