The POWER of Persistence

The POWER of Persistence

Whatever your goal might be fat loss, muscle building, better health…nothing will make you see progress like determination and persistence.

PERSISTENCE is basically your desire to push through anything that comes your way.  Basically you have your mind set on your goal and it doesn’t matter what life dishes out to you, nothing is going to stand in your way.

Often if there is a roadblock, instead of overcoming, we might get upset and let it tear us down.  One life event might cause us to fall completely off track and derail our goals significantly.   If you have persistence, you will instead let those roadblocks build you up and make you stronger.

How to keep going when the going gets tough….

Focus on any and ALL progress you are making.  This is a perfect example of how important your fitness assessments are. Your weight may not have changed, but you may have lost inches, body fat %, gained strength in your pushups and sit ups, or built endurance and knocked time off your mile. Perhaps you have given up your before bedtime snack…or you’ve started bringing a healthy lunch to work instead of eating out.  Regardless of how small, acknowledge your success.  You must believe that you have the ability to achieve.

Do not ever get caught up in the negatives of any situation.  Each time you make a mistake, or you don’t reach a goal you had in your mind, you feel like a failure and this will decrease your persistence.

Don’t think about next month, or next year…focus on one day at a time. Make good decisions EVERY day.  If you have a bad day…move on and do better the next day.

ALWAYS look on the bright side of everything. You will be amazed at how this can help you with your persistence and determination.

