Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

Often when trying a new workout such as SPINNING, ZUMBA, weight training, or any other workout, often once we become a little uncomfortable, we back down rather than push through it.  We need to realize it is okay to be a little uncomfortable.  Exciting things will happen if we can push through our comfort zones!

We will never see changes if we don’t make changes. We will never reach our goals without stepping out of our comfort zones and challenging ourselves. 

Tips to help you step out of your comfort zone!

Finding a fitness family and working out with a group of likeminded people will help you challenge your limits. WOOOHOOO! Let me help you find your tribe of people to push you out of your comfort zone!

Try different workouts.  Challenge your body to new classes.  Make an appointment with a personal trainer. Mixing things up is SO important!

Don’t let life get in the way of your workout!  Your fitness should be a priority

Allow yourself to be less than perfect.  Don’t be afraid to make a fool of yourself or get laughed at….just laugh along! One of the biggest things that holds us back from trying new things is the fear of what others will think.  I’ve talked to many of you who are reluctant to try classes for fear of not keeping up, or looking like a fool.  No one is judging you except YOU! 

Know that the worst that can happen is that you might fail. The fact that you tried is an accomplishment to be proud of! I DO want to suggest though, when trying a new class…you MUST give it at LEAST 4 times before you make up your mind that you like it.  Try different instructors too!

Don’t ever let your fear of being uncomfortable get in the way.  A little discomfort is okay. Soon you will get stronger and then your comfort levels will change and you will have new challenges to conquer!



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