Find a Workout That You Love

If you are finding that you are in a struggle to get to the gym and get your workouts in this is my advice to you: 

Find a workout that you love. 

  1. Just GET DRESSED. Just putting on your clothes with the intention of even a light workout can be enough to get you moving to do more.  (If you only muster up 20 minutes…that’s okay… some days you really do need a light workout!) If you work, always have your workout clothes in your gym bag, in your car. 

  2. NEVER do anything that feels like torture. If you've always hated running, you don't have to do it. Try making a goal of walking for twenty minutes a day instead if you like doing that.

  3. Try new workouts that you've never done before. Take a dance, yoga, or Pilates class and see if you've found a new passion.

  4. Mix it up. If you don't mind running but don't want to do it three times a week, you can run one day, do yoga another day, and swim on a third day. This will keep your body and mind active and won't make you feel bored through a workout.

  5. Don't overdo it.    Let your body rest if you're tired and you'll enjoy your "on days" even more. You need to learn to listen to your body.  You are not in a race, you are developing habits that will stay with you for the rest of your life.  You are developing habits that will make you healthier and happier.  Your fitness level is a huge part of who you are and affects not only you but your loved ones as well.  Take it seriously and take the time to find something you enjoy! It really is that important!

Find a workout that you love...results WILL follow!

NEVER beat yourself up for a short workout, or a recovery workout on a day that you aren't feeling 100%.  That's okay!  Be proud of yourself for ANY amount of work you achieve!  

 Contact me if you are having trouble finding your groove!  I am here to help you!