


Jen and Jon

Working with Kristi has literally been an incredible, life-changing experience.  I have been overweight for two decades and I needed to swallow my pride and embarrassment to reach out and ask for help.  A dear friend recommended Kristi as she knew I was very fragile emotionally about my extra weight and I needed someone who was knowledgeable, positive, and most of all, encouraging. 

From the first time I met with Kristi, I KNEW she would be a trusted ally in this "better lifestyle" change.    I needed gentle encouragement and "doable" steps to help me change my poor habits and replace them with healthy, sustainable habits.  Step by step, week by week (just a little at a time), Kristi helped me find a new lifestyle that was manageable and fulfilling enough that I would not feel deprived.  I am blessed that my husband was supportive and he signed up to work with Kristi as well.  

We have lost pounds, but with Kristi's guidance, our goals were not as much about numbers but about healthy lifestyle changes.  Because our changes were in small, building increments, we have been able to maintain the changes.  Before we worked with Kristi, we were huffing and puffing coming up the stairs from our basement.  Now we walk, ride our bikes, attend AquaZumba, and have even added Silver Sneakers classes to our week.  We are not workout junkies, but every day we make conscious decisions to eat better, move more, and gift ourselves with a better, healthier lifestyle.  We feel better, we sleep better, we just generally enjoy life more.  Our lives have changed for the better thanks to Kristi and her knowledge, encouragement, and sweet friendship.  

The best gift we ever gave to ourselves was to swallow our pride, write the check, and work with Kristi.  We should have done this YEARS ago.